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目的探讨低密度脂蛋白受体(10wdensitylipoproteinreceptor,LDL-R)基因外显子13中AvaⅡ多态性在海南黎族健康人群中的频率分布,分析其基因多态性与血脂水平的关系。方法采用分层随机抽样方法选取1110例样本(实验组:黎族518名,对照组:汉族592名),采空腹静脉血,测血清中三酰甘油(triaeylglycerol,TG)、总胆固醇(totalcholesterol,TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(highdensitylipoproteincholesterol,HDL-C)浓度、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(10wdensitylipoproteincholesterol,LDL-C)浓度,运用多聚酶链反应-限制性内切酶片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术检测LDL-R基因AvaⅡ多态性。结果黎族人群与汉族人群LDL.RAvaⅡ基因3种基因型(A-A-)、(A+A-)、(A+A+)频率[70.7%(366/518)VS.70.3%(416/592),P〉0.05;24.7%(128/518)US.27%(160/592).P〉0.05:4.6%(24/518vs.2.7%(16/592),P〉0.05]无]和等位基因的频率[17.0%VS.16.2%,P〉0.05;83.0%眠83.8%,P〉0.05]比较.差异无统计学意义。黎族人群LDL-R3种基因型(A-A-)、(A+A-)、(A+A+)血脂浓度比较,只有血清TG浓度差异有统计学意义[(1.271±0.730)mmol/LVS.(1.552+1.113)mmol/Lus(1.046_+0.284)mmol/L,F=3.454,P=0.033]:汉族人群3种基因型(A-A-)、(A+A-)、(A+A+)血脂浓度比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论黎族人群与汉族人群LDL-R基因AvaⅡ多态性及等位基因频率未发现显著差异。黎族人群AvaⅡ三种基因型(A-A-)、(A+A-)、(A+A+)的血脂浓度比较,只有TG浓度发现显著差异。  相似文献   
“钉钉”线上教学是基于教育部门引领下的“互联网+教育”新模式,具有其他线上教学方式所没有的独特优势。全球新冠肺炎疫情背景下,安徽医科大学针对来华留学生开展了“钉钉”课堂线上教学实践。本文从“钉钉”课堂在留学生人体寄生虫学课程教学中的实践着手,总结“钉钉”课堂的优势及问题,提出线上教学建议,以期为来华留学生人体寄生虫学课程线上教学提供参考。  相似文献   
目的探讨胆固醇酯转运蛋白(CETP)基因多态性在海南黎族人群冠心病发病中的作用。方法应用等位基因特异性PCR方法,对海南黎族47例冠心病患者(观察组)及330例健康查体者(对照组)的CETP基因6种多态位点进行检测,比较两组基因型频率和等位基因频率。结果两组TaqIB突变位点可检测出B1B1、B1B2、B2B23种基因型,I405V突变位点可检测出Ⅱ、Ⅳ、ⅤⅤ3种基因型,D442G突变位点可检测出DD、DG2种基因型;两组TaqIB突变位点的等位基因频率及D442G突变位点的基因型分布和等位基因频率存在显著差异(P〈0.05)。结论 CETP基因TaqIB和D442G位点的多态性与海南黎族人群冠心病显著相关;本研究样本数较少,有关CETP基因多态性与海南黎族人群冠心病的确切关系尚有待于开展大样本流行病学调查。  相似文献   
早泄在临床上属于男科的常见病、多发病,但由于病因复杂,常与其他男科病伴发,治疗起来较为棘手。中医对本病认识较早,将其称之为"鸡精"。李曰庆教授认为其基本病机是"心神不宁,相火妄动",兼夹肝郁、肾虚、血瘀、湿热等病理变化。在临床上,对本病的辨治经验丰富,见解有独到之处,强调辨证与辨病相结合,中医与西医相结合,身心同治,男女同调,疗效确切,现对其具体思路做一浅析,以供同道相互借鉴。  相似文献   
介绍了李发枝教授治疗小儿紫癜经验方的药物组成、功效和加减应用.临床灵活运用,疗效确切,附案例1则,以飨读者.  相似文献   
《离骚》“巫咸降神”一节是诗人正准备去国远逝之前内心矛盾的真实反映。通过巫咸降神.诗人展开去留矛盾。巫咸的劝留,更加激发了诗人对楚国黑暗现实的揭露,形象而又深入地展示了诗人丰富的内心世界和爱国情感。  相似文献   
A standard X-observe NMR probe was equipped with a z-gradient coil to enable high-sensitivity pulsed field gradient NMR diffusion studies of Li+ and Cs+ cations of aqueous salt solutions in a high-porosity mesocellular silica foam (MCF) and of CO2 adsorbed in metal-organic frameworks (MOF). The coil design and the necessary probe modifications, which yield pulsed field gradients of up to ±16.2 Tm-1, are introduced. The system was calibrated at 2H resonance frequency and successfully applied for diffusion studies at 7Li, 23Na, 13C and 133Cs frequencies. Significant reductions of the diffusivities of the cations in LiClac and CsClac solution introduced into MCFs are observed. By comparison of the diffusion behavior with the bulk solutions, a tortuosity of the silica foam of 4.5 ± 0.6 was derived. Single component self-diffusion of CO2 and CH4 (measured by 1H NMR) as well as self-diffusion of the individual components in CO2/CH4 mixtures was studied in the MOF CuBTC. The experimental results confirm high mobilities of the adsorbed gases and trends for diffusion separation factors predicted by MD simulations.  相似文献   
李平教授认为乳腺癌发病的主要诱因是情志不畅,肝气郁结,根本原因是元气化生异常,瘤毒内生。瘤毒作为一种强烈的致病邪气,可促生瘀滞的病络。病络是乳腺癌瘤体获取营养物质、侵袭及转移的通道。肝气郁结、瘤毒阻络证作为乳腺癌的常见证型,可贯穿于疾病发生发展的全过程,故临床上运用疏肝理气、解毒通络法治疗乳腺癌,疗效显著。  相似文献   
Since the first studies reporting the TP53 p.R337H mutation as founder mutation in Southern and Southeastern Brazil, there has been controversy on its origin. Preliminary analysis of a small subset of Brazilian mutation carriers revealed that the haplotype incided on a Caucasian background. The vast majority of carriers identified today reside in Brazil or, if identified in other countries, are Brazilian immigrants. To our knowledge, the only two exceptions of carriers without a recognizable link with Brazil are two European families, from Portugal and Germany. Haplotype analysis in the Portuguese family revealed the same haplotype identified in Brazilian individuals, but in the German family, a distinct haplotype was found. Knowing that a significant proportion of women with breast cancer (BC) in Southern Brazil are p.R337H carriers, we analyzed p.R337H in a Portuguese cohort of women diagnosed with this disease. Median age at diagnosis among the first 573 patients tested was 60 years and 100 (17.4%) patients had been diagnosed at or under the age of 45 years. Mutation screening failed to identify the mutation in the 573 patients tested. These results are in contrast with the mutation frequency observed in a study including 815 BC‐affected women from Brazil, in which carrier frequencies of 12.1 and 5.1% in pre‐ and postmenopausal women were observed, respectively. These findings suggest that the Brazilian founder mutation p.R337H, the most frequent germline TP53 mutation reported to date, is not a common germline alteration in Portuguese women diagnosed with BC.  相似文献   
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